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  • Artist Info: Hello smile *like the sn says* my name's John, though most people I know have their own nicknames for me.I'm 17 years old, pretty tall...*working on losing a little bit of weight because I think I'm too fat* I think I'm a nice person, I would do most anything to keep people happy... =^-^=<br />
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    I'd like to think of myself as a highly spiritual person ( though I'm not religious, I don't like it when other people force beliefs on me...not one bit crying )and because of that I'm usually calm.I don't get angry easily, but when I do get angry it's usually not because of something insignificant. I don't believe that anger solves anything, it only serves to shorten one's patience.<br />
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    I love cats... so much so that at one point I wore a collar with a medium sized bell to school. It was actually really fun, some people called me gay, some people were indifferent, and others thought it was really cute. I thought it was cute at the time, but thinking back it would have been cuter if I were dating a guy instead of my ex girlfriend crying .<br />
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    Although I've never actually...well, done anything with a guy, I do find some guys attractive, and I'm quite sure I'm gay... =^-^= I've tried a relationship with a guy, and even though we lived really far from each other, I think he was the first person that I've ever really loved (besides family, my mommy Sam, and my best friend Carey). <br />
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    Sorry it was so long =/ thankyou for reading through all of it though ^__^<br />
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