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  • Artist Info: Musa, or Muse, is a high ranking Deva from a realm called Sariengrad. When she was born, it was obvious what she was for the cry she let out when she was born was one so powerful, It shook the very ground beneath her. Her family was in no position to raise much less care for such a child, so they sent her away. <br />
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    She grew up in a secluded temple raised by the Deva Elders of Sariengrad. When she was eight, she developed a genuine love for the violin and used it and her abilities freely. At the age of ten she was signed over to the royal family. Leaving her home was devistating to her and started her on her path of silence. She worked in the castle as a seer and a preistess.<br />
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    By the time the was fourteen her words had long since turned to whispers and she made a mistake that changed things forever. She let herself get too in to her violin playing and made her understudy dance about their quarters. This wouldn't have been a problem had the young Prince not been peeking in, but he was, and this sent him into concocting an elaborate plan.<br />
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    Musa found out a couple months later about what he witnessed when Prince Siamon barges into her quarters unannounced. She chides him for his behavior only to be threatened by him. he decides that the only thing she can do to prevent him from exposing her and having her killed is to give him her hand in marriage. After doing everything she could think of to save herself, she yields. It is agreed that when he is crowned king, she will become his wife and as a consequence be at his mercy and obey him. <br />
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    At the age of 16 she escaped her birthplace. She had long since learned of his plot to use her abilities to take over the other realms one by one and there was just no way she could let that happen. She escaped the day of his coronation. She got away but earned herself a long scar on her torso tracing a line from her left hip around to her back. <br />
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    She never stays too long in one place and Is currently residing in a modest little cabin deep in the mountains. Determined to hide her abilities and keep the realms safe, She works as a bounty hunter by night and a bard in the daylight hours. Her violin is still with her to this very day. <br />
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    She doesn't talk much.
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